FAQ: We are here to solve your puzzle

Am I register on BluGreen Energica?

The valid, legal registration as per Indian Government, state government /UT act and having 'active' GSTN registration can empower you to register on BluGreen Energica.

What is the joining Fee and Pricing about Plns?

Joing yo the Platform, Registration is completely free, there is Zero Joining Fee.

What are commission charges?

Commission Charges are discussed via discussion and meetings.

Does BluGreen Energica verify and authenticate users?

Yes, there is a verification of the details and validation by our personnel before any registered user becomes an active user of BluGreen Energica.

Is there any limit for raising "RFQs" for a single requirement?

No, active member can raise limitless 'RFQs' for single requirement.

Does BluGreen Energica verify and authenticate users?

Blugreen Energica verifies the user by demanding GSTN and IEC during Registration.

Does it mandatory purchase the product once quote is received?

No, it is not mandatory to purchase the product once quote is received. If the quote is within your specification and your estimated price then only you can place the order.

Can a buyer cancel an order?

No, buyer cannot cancel the order once the order is issued and sent to the seller. In such a case where the buyer wants to cancel an order after issuing the order to the seller, the buyer can contact our support team.

Can other buyers see my quotes and purchase price?

No, a buyer's quote and purchase price is not visible to other buyers on BluGreen Energica.

Is there any action against buyers who place an order and then don't accept the execution of the order?

The admin of BluGreen Energica reserves the right to de-register any buyer who doesn’t accept execution of orders after placing the order.

What is the security for any advance payment made by the buyer?

Blugreen Energica will be responsible for the security of the advance payment.

How long does the system maintain expired RFQ, Quotes, and Counter-offers?

RFQ, Quotes and Counter Offer expired after 30 days.

When is a user classified as an inactive user?

In case any user doesn't buy/sell through BluGreen Energica prolonged time then the user might be classified as an inactive user.

What action is taken on inactive users?

The admin has right to de-register any inactive user.

What to do, if the buyer wants to return the product but has already made full payment for the product?

The buyer can reject the completion of the order and raise a inform the Blugreen Energica and return the product. As the complete transaction is tracked and documented on Blugreen Energica the seller will be legally tracked to make complete return of all payment received from the buyer. The Blugreen

How many order I can place?

You can place any no of orders within a day/week/Month or year.

How secure are my account details?

Your bank account details are encrypted before saving in the database. And the encryption keys used are stored in the database which is again encrypted. Both bank account details and the database used to store encryption keys are encrypted using AES 256.

Does the Sellers on BluGreen Energica are trustable?

Yes, The sellers are pre-verified and validated before registration, Blugreen Energica ensures the details provided by sellers and then only allowed to register on BluGreen Energica. Customer can trust the Sellers on BluGreen Energica.

Does Blugreen Energica Mobile App available?

BluGreen Energica Android and (Under development IOS App is available in Playstore and Apple store respectively).

How and whom to contact for query and issues?

The registered members are contact to resolve query and issue by reaching 'Contact Us'.